Host Agency Profile Review
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Easy to Work With
Commission Levels
Operational Support
I decided to make a change from a much larger host agency in November 2015. I really wanted to work with a smaller host where I could rely on access to the host, especially when working on some of my groups. I was referred to Matt Schumacher and Travel Troops, LLC via one of the members of Consortia X (which Matt is a member of). Initially, I was very impressed with Matt's ability to "get things done" - he was always willing to make a call or help fix a problem. I did have some concerns about his lack of back-office policies and procedures, but realizing that he was a new host agency, decided to simply make suggestions for improvement. I put my reputation on the line and sent many agents his way who signed on to Travel Troops.However, about 6 - 7 months in, I started to miss commission payments and was always given different reasons such as "I never received it", "I am researching it", "I am talking to so and so and they are working on it" and "it will be in the next check". Somehow, the entirety of the money owed has never made it to me.
Despite providing him with the check dates, check numbers, amounts of the checks and the date he cashed the checks (all provided by the suppliers themselves), he continues to state that he has not received the money and to date, he still owes me several thousand dollars in commission for past bookings and many thousands of dollars for future bookings. Further, it is nearly impossible to obtain a commission report (he only pays monthly and from time to time, the payments have not been on time) - which is critical when you have independent contractors like I do. If you are lucky enough to receive any commissions, you will likely have no idea what you're being paid for or who it belongs to.
When you threaten legal action to obtain your monies, he uses intimidation tactics such as Cease and Desist Letters and threatens forfeiture of commissions based on misinterpretation of his own contract and unenforceable non-compete clauses that have nothing to do with paying you your hard-earned commissions.
BEWARE: Travel Troops, LLC is not a licensed Seller of Travel in Florida, California, or Washington, nor are they licensed to sell travel insurance products. However, Matt will be sure to tell you that they are, in fact, licensed but he "just can't locate the license number right now". This puts you and your business in grave jeopardy if you are advertising or selling to residents of those states.
Please, save yourself a lot of heartache and choose a host agency with a vetted history of paying commissions on time, keeping their promises and being appropriately licensed.
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