Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Host Agency Profile Review

Review On
Global Travel
Reviewer's Name

(1 - 5 Years in the travel industry)

Easy to Work With
Commission Levels
Operational Support


I am so frustrated and presently searching for another host agency. My present host has one good point in that they charge an annual fee with no monthly fee but the downfall with that is commission is only 50%. To get more you have to upgrade to the boot camp for about $400. I am fine with taking the 50% commision however I always have problems receiving my checks. I can email a dozen times and I would get an answer once or twice. Payment should be about 90 days after travel and I am still trying to get paid for trips completed in February and March. This is November! Almost December. They have to come better with payments cause when it is time for renewal they don't waste time asking for money. Like I said, I am very frustrated and turned off. Need a new host!
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