Travel Planners International - July 2024
Avoya Travel - 232x 90 - June 2024

Host Agency Profile Review

Review On
Travel Planners International
Reviewer's Name
Denise Koranek

(9 Years 6 Months in the travel industry)

Easy to Work With
Pays Commissions on Time
Commission Levels
Operational Support
Price to Value Relationship


I have been with TPI for over 6 years. Things I appreciate are:
~Online chat feature
~Simply accounting submission and tracking
~Partnership with Ensemble
~Clientbase Online Marketing through Ensemble
~TPI and Ensemble Cruise Group space
~Air by Ensemble
~Being able to charge a service fee to my client's CC
~ Higher commissions and support than on my own

These are just few advantages that come to mind when reflecting on my relationship with TPI. I've been pleased.
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