Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Host Agency Reviews

By Tom Ogg

I have been operating review sites for decades and have learned a lot about them. Our newest review site, hosts hundreds of host agency reviews of the top host agencies in the travel industry.

Reviews can be an effective way for host agencies to build credibility and may go a long way towards helping other agents determine if a host is right for them, or not. If your host agency is not included in the Host Profiles, have the host agency send their request to and we will see about getting a profile under way so you can review them.

When I was operating I processed thousands of reviews and got really good at publishing the best reviews that clearly defined why they liked, or didn’t like their cruise experience, which helped many other cruisers that had similar expectations as the reviewer. So I thought I would share how to write a host agency review that is meaningful for folks that read it and also helpful for your host agency.

Each Host Agency is Different

Each host agency has its own unique value proposition, just as each independent travel professional has their own unique set of requirements they need from a host agency. One agent may need a host agency that has strong relationships in the luxury cruise market and the next may need a host with a strong presence in the mass-market cruise market. Yet another may need a host with a strong presence in the river cruise market and so it goes.

A good host agency review will include the reasons that you selected the host and a little bit about the reviewer’s business model and how the host fits into it. Something like “I specialize in corporate travel and needed a host with Sabre, a strong hotel program and also a domestic air program. XXX was the perfect choice for me because they offered XXXX.” is an example that will really help other agents make decisions regarding the host agency.

The more that you punctuate the host agency’s unique value proposition, the easier it is for readers to understand what it is. Market positioning, commission levels, overrides, back room support, marketing, online tools, knowledge, educational opportunities, mentoring and coaching and many other attributes may make up a definition of the host agency’s personality.

Leave the Negativity Out of Your Review

Like with cruises, passengers that didn’t like the experience are much more likely to write a review than someone that thoroughly enjoyed their cruise. It wasn’t uncommon to get three different reviews from one sailing where one was very negative, one so-so and one extremely positive. With host agency reviews, the same is true. However, I will not allow a review to be posted that is clearly a vendetta hit-review. You can see them a mile away because they are negative, accusatory and many times personal.

If your review is going to be on the not-so-good side, be sure to approach it from a positive perspective. Instead of saying “Janice in the office is mean and nasty” say something like “I need more friendly support and have decided to look for a new host where that is important to them”. I am sure that you get the idea. And, never use anyone’s name in a review, as it will more than likely come back to bite you. Keep your reviews honest and respectful and deal with issues of concern in a business like fashion. NEVER write a review when you are upset, or mad at your host agency. Wait until you have calmed down and can be more objective.

Consider Your Ratings

When a reviewer gives a host agency review all 10s, as an example, it just seems as if they are not really offering an honest rating. While there may be host agencies out there that are exceptional in all ways, I would suspect that there are areas that most hosts could improve. By helping the host (which is probably reading the reviews) understand areas they may want to concentrate on for improvement, you are actually helping yourself, the host’s other agents and the host themselves. So be honest in your ratings and think them all the way through.

Write Your Host Agency Review with Style

Everyone really enjoys well written and engaging reviews. Take a little time to proof your review and run it through a spell and grammar checker to find and correct any errors that may exist. Use a thesaurus to locate words that nail down exactly what you are trying to express. Eliminate any unnecessary words that are not vital to the review. And, when you are done with this process, proof it one last time before you publish your review, as once it is published you may not be able to edit it.

Have Fun Writing Your Host Agency Review

If you think about the reviews that you have enjoyed the most, the writer had fun writing it. Don’t be hesitant to let your personality come through and add creativity in your phrasing and writing style. Think of fun ways to express your thoughts in a positive way. Use creative titles like “How my Host Made Me a River Cruise Expert — And Doubled My Net Income!” Use creative ways to state your position like “Before my host introduced me to what river cruising was really all about, I thought it was like riding in a motor coach but only on a river”. See how much fun you can have expressing yourself in your review and you will find yourself laughing out loud.

I hope this helps you to write a meaningful host agency review and have an enjoyable time doing it. I look forward to reading your review on To submit your review, just click on the Host Agency Profiles Link above, then click on your host agency’s name and then on the “Submit a Review” link. Have Fun!

Click HERE to Visit Host Agency Profiles and Reviews