Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Starting a Career as a Travel Agent in 2020?

Starting a Career as a Travel Agent in 2020?

Starting a Career as a Travel Agent in 2020? Here are 5 Things a Host Travel Agency Can Offer to Help get Started


So you are interested in being a Travel Professional and are wondering what might be the best direction to go as you begin this career. There are so many options and opportunities that lie ahead for you. In this article we will share 5 Things a Host Travel Agency can offer to help you get started in the travel business.

First and foremost, let’s talk about why you would decide to align yourself with a Host Travel Agency in the first place. Deciding on a host agency to align yourself with is something you want to study and research very thoroughly. What are you hoping to accomplish for your business goals through your host agency relationship? It is helpful to have a clear understanding of the business direction you wish to take your agency in while searching for the right host agency partner. Make a plan of the type of travel you want to focus on selling and what types of support you will be looking for in the host relationship. This is will help you focus upon those agencies that will be your best options.

Keep in mind that choosing a host partner and working with that partner is much like a partnership in terms of the relationship. Both parties are looking for a mutually beneficial business relationship. Take the time needed to research and study your options to assure you are choosing the right agency to work alongside. With a wide variety of varying types of Host Travel Agencies to choose from, you will want to be sure to visit to assist you in your searching process. We have filters designed to help you narrow down your options and this tool will make your search much easier and allow you to find some great options for your business needs.

Following are 5 things a Host Travel Agency can offer to help you get started. Keep in mind that there are many other great reasons to use a host partner which will be following in other articles.


1. Knowledge & Experience

The knowledge and experience that a host agency can provide to you as you embark on your travel career is one of the main reasons that a host partner can be the perfect choice as you set out on this new and exciting journey. While you may have business experience, the travel industry like any other business has its own unique applications and paths to take. Working with a host agency that possesses the knowledge and experience in the travel industry will be a great benefit to you and your business.

Today’s hosts are fully qualified as terrific business partners and will bring to you a myriad of offerings with technology platforms and more. If you do not have the experience of running a small business a host can provide you with the necessary tools and services to help you build your business. From them you will learn the tricks of the trade and feel more confident with your own personal knowledge and experience.


2. Supplier Connectivity & Relationships

When you are just getting started with your travel business, the wide variety of travel destinations and the companies that feature those programs can seem overwhelming. There are so many different offerings and suppliers to choose from. Where does one even start? The beauty of choosing a host travel agency partner to work with that has agreements and relationships with companies representing products and services you are interested in selling is that they can make it easy and turnkey for you. They have those relationships and commission structures in place and as an agent working through them, you then benefit from those arrangements. When looking for your host agency partner be sure to take a good look at the suppliers and products who they call their “preferred suppliers”. These will be the list of companies they work with and receive higher commissions levels from and that is a financial win for you as well.


3. Training & Education

Educational Programs that may be available through a Host Agency can be a great source of information, training and ways to better your business. The majority of host agencies do offer terrific educational offerings and continued training for their agent partners. Many have created independent companies under their host business umbrella to provide this training and education. If you are new to travel sales, you will want to find a host agency that can help you get the knowledge you need to empower your sales.

Once you have established your business, you will want to continue to take advantage of all of the training and continuing education that is made available to you. Keep in mind that your host agency partner wants to see you grow and prosper so be sure to attend and participate in as many training events as you can so you can make that knowledge grow into increased sales for your business.


4. Sales & Marketing

Most host agencies feature a wide choice of options when it comes to their sales and marketing programs. This is a huge benefit to you when you get started with your travel business. A turnkey program provided by a host agency to begin your reach out for new sales is invaluable. The experience the host agency will have in knowing what types of sales and marketing works and when they work in terms of seasonality is also a great benefit to you. Tried and true programs will make your entry into selling travel so much easier.

They may offer print or digital media and make those pieces personalized to suit your travel business. There are many host agencies who are now offering consumer leads to their agents. When you are new to travel sales, this can simply change the game and launch your success in selling.


5. Technology & Tools

Host agencies can really assist you with the start up of your travel business through their robust technology platform and booking tools. Just some of those tools available might be websites, CRM (Client Relationship Management) software, reservations tools, cruise line connectivity, group inventory, and so much more. There are hosts that even have mobile apps designed to allow you to sell travel right from the palm of your hand.

Commission tracking programs can also be a great benefit to you in helping you to keep your records up to date and track your sales. Many hosts also have online networking groups within their family of agents so that you can access other like-minded professionals and communicate with one another about your business needs. This is a great resource for you as you get started. Your peers and fellow agents will provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise.


There are a myriad of other compelling reasons to work with a host travel agency as you begin your new career and the above 5 things a Host Travel Agency can offer to help you get started are a great reason to begin your search for the perfect host at