Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

The Host Agency Basics – Does a Host Agency offer a CRM Program?

What is a CRM Program for Travel Agents? offers an amazing tool to not only find your perfect Host Travel Agency partner but to narrow the time spent searching from hours to mere minutes. 

What is a CRM Program?

As you get started or grow your Travel Agency, you’ll need a way to keep track of your prospects, leads and clients. Not only will you want to keep all of this information organized but you’ll also want a way to know when to follow up or check in with someone who was interested in a trip you discussed. 

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is a common term in most sales environments. A decent CRM will allow you to input your clients details including phone, address, contact information, and notes with time stamps for future reference. A higher quality CRM will not only allow all of the above but also allow you to set reminders, follow ups and also allow documents to be shared through the CRM. 

Why Does Having a CRM Program Matter?

A quality CRM program will increase your efficiency, effectiveness and overall success as a Travel Agent. With powerful and robust tools, many of the CRM’s on todays market offer many features that will not only assist you but prove to be effective in closing more sales. 

If a Host Agency does offer a CRM program, it is a great asset to have as you get started or restructure your business. If a Host Agency does not offer a CRM program, do not fear as there are thousands of options on the market today that are not only effective but easy to use and implement into your business. 

What’s Right for YOU in a Host Travel Agency?

Having a CRM program included in your Host Agency partner’s offering is a great benefit to any Travel Professional. However, it should not be a deciding factor as there are so many options in this particular area. It’s important to note that if your chosen Host Agency partner does not offer a CRM program, there could be an additional monthly or annual charge for the CRM program you choose to utilize.