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Workations and Nomadic Travel for Travel Professionals


Working from anywhere as a Travel Professional can be a fun benefit, but it can also help your business grow!


Written By: Tom Ogg. Co-Founder and Co-Owner – TravelProfessionalNEWS.com


We had some condos in Punta Mita that we rented out in the visitor market. We primarily rented to surfers and occasionally fisherman, simply because the surf breaks around Punta Mita enjoyed solitude and hadn’t been discovered yet as a surf destination. Many of our renters also worked from our condos as they had super fast Internet from Mextel’s Carbon Fiber Internet access. We also had a desk and chair in each condo for a work station. It was always pretty much the same. Surfers would show up, discover the quality and emptiness of the surf breaks and end up buying a condo so they could live there during the fall, winter and spring months when the surf was the best. We actually sold two of our condos to past renters.

Fast forward to today and workations and Nomadic travel are booming and quickly becoming a large niche in the travel industry, However, with the advent of remote work, it has become increasingly popular, leading to the emergence of a booming workations market.

Another reason workations have become popular is that they allow people to break free from the monotony of their daily routines. Many people find themselves stuck in the same routine day after day, which can lead to burnout and a lack of motivation. Taking a workation provides a change of scenery and allows people to experience new things, which can help them feel refreshed and reinvigorated when they return to their regular work.  

Finally, workations have become popular because they offer a unique opportunity to blend work and leisure. Many people feel guilty about taking time off completely because they worry about falling behind on their work. By taking a workation, they can enjoy the benefits of a vacation while still making progress on their professional goals. This can help people feel more productive and fulfilled, both personally and professionally.


The Future of Workations

It is clear that workations are here to stay. As remote work continues to become more popular, people will be looking for ways to combine work and leisure. This means that the workation market will continue to grow and evolve.

One of the trends we are likely to see in the future is an increase in workations that are focused on specific industries or professions. For example, there may be workations designed specifically for writers or for people in the tech industry. These workations could provide opportunities for people to network with others in their field and to learn new skills.


Nomadic Travel

In recent years, the travel industry has seen a significant shift towards a new and exciting trend: nomadic travel. This style of travel is characterized by long-term stays in multiple locations, often in remote or exotic destinations. From digital nomads to retired travelers, the nomadic travel segment is booming, and there are several reasons why.

First and foremost, technology has played a significant role in the rise of nomadic travel. With the widespread availability of high-speed internet and mobile devices, it is now possible to work from anywhere in the world. This has given rise to a new generation of digital nomads who leverage their skills to work remotely while traveling.

In addition to digital nomads, retirees are also turning to nomadic travel as a way to enjoy their golden years. Many retirees have the freedom to travel, and they are choosing to spend months or even years exploring the world. With the ability to work remotely, they can fund their travels while enjoying a lifestyle that would have been impossible just a few years ago.

Another factor contributing to the rise of nomadic travel is the desire for unique experiences. Many travelers are no longer content with traditional package holidays, and they are seeking out more authentic and immersive travel experiences. By staying in one place for an extended period, nomadic travelers can truly immerse themselves in the local culture, learn the language, and make meaningful connections with locals.

Furthermore, nomadic travel allows for greater flexibility and freedom. Travelers are not tied down to a specific itinerary, and they can adjust their plans as they go. This means they can stay longer in a destination they love or move on if they are not enjoying their current location.

Another factor contributing to the rise of nomadic travel is the growth of the sharing economy. With platforms like Airbnb, it is now possible to find affordable and comfortable accommodations in remote destinations. This has made it easier for travelers to stay in one place for an extended period, without breaking the bank.

Moreover, social media has played a significant role in the growth of nomadic travel. Instagram and other social media platforms have created a culture of wanderlust, where people are inspired by beautiful images of exotic destinations. This has encouraged more people to travel, and the rise of nomadic travel has been fueled by social media influencers who share their experiences and encourage others to join in.


Life at Sea Cruise Line

Nothing shares the reality of the Nomadic Travel market better than Life at Sea Cruises. Their 3-year, 350-port, 135-countries on seven continents cruise was founded for the nomadic traveler that wants to commit to a 3-year cruise. Currently about 50% booked, it is attracting seniors and younger nomadic travelers. The key elements that are making it successful is global lightning fast Internet included in the cruise fare along with meeting rooms, offices and all-inclusive pricing.

I suspect that more cruise lines will take notice and start offering competitive products. Think about how you can package travel that would be attractive to digital nomads. If we still had our condo rental business we would have installed better desks and chairs in the condo along with monitors, a printer and a keyboard. This provides a complete work station for those traveling with a notebook computer.

Life at Sea Cruises does pay a travel agent commission of 2%, which seems low, but when you consider that the cruise fare is in the hundreds of thousands it is still a great commission.


Marketing Workations

While marketing workations isn’t a perfect science at this point there are some tips on how to focus on them. You will surely gain knowledge as you immerse yourself into the market.




Create Specialized Packages: Develop enticing workation packages that cater to digital nomads and remote workers. Include accommodation options with reliable Wi-Fi, co-working spaces, and amenities that support productivity. Highlight the benefits of combining work and travel, such as experiencing new cultures while maintaining a productive work routine.

Targeted Online Advertising: Utilize online advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads to reach the digital nomad and remote working community. Create targeted campaigns that highlight the advantages of workations, such as flexible schedules, inspiring environments, and the ability to balance work and leisure. Use keywords and demographic targeting to reach your desired audience.

Host Webinars and Workshops: Organize virtual or in-person webinars and workshops specifically focused on workations and nomadic travel. Share valuable insights on remote work best practices, productivity tips, and how to choose the right destinations for workations. Position yourself as an expert in the field and offer your services as a reliable resource for planning workation trips.

Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influential bloggers, vloggers, or social media influencers who are passionate about workations and nomadic travel. Invite them on sponsored workation trips and encourage them to document their experiences through blog posts, videos, or social media content. Their authentic recommendations and engaging content can attract a wider audience and generate interest in your workation offerings.

Target Professional or Niche Networks: Identify online communities and professional networks that cater to remote workers and digital nomads. Engage in discussions, offer advice, and share relevant content to position yourself as a knowledgeable travel agent specializing in workations. Provide valuable insights and demonstrate your expertise to gain trust and referrals within these communities.


Marketing Nomadic Travel 

While marketing nomadic travel is still in its infancy, here are soon great ideas on how to get started.




Engage with Digital Nomad Communities: Connect with online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to digital nomads. Participate in discussions, offer advice, and share valuable content related to nomadic travel. Establish yourself as an active and knowledgeable member of the community, and discreetly promote your travel services when appropriate.

Create Inspiring Content: Develop engaging and informative content that highlights the benefits and possibilities of nomadic travel. Start a travel blog, share captivating videos on platforms like YouTube or TikTok, and maintain an active presence on social media channels. Provide tips on remote work, destination recommendations, budgeting, and how to overcome challenges while living a nomadic lifestyle.

Utilize Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with popular travel influencers and digital nomads who have a strong online presence. Sponsor their trips or offer exclusive deals in exchange for them promoting your travel agency or specific destinations to their followers. Authentic recommendations from influencers can attract a wide audience and generate interest in nomadic travel.

Optimize for SEO: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to ensure your website and content rank well in search engine results. Research and target relevant keywords related to nomadic travel to drive organic traffic to your website. Optimize your website’s structure, meta tags, and content to improve visibility and attract potential nomadic travelers who are actively searching for information.

Collaborate with Travel Bloggers and Podcasts: Reach out to popular travel bloggers or hosts of travel-related podcasts who focus on the nomadic lifestyle. Offer to contribute guest articles or be interviewed about nomadic travel and share your expertise. This collaboration allows you to tap into their existing audience and gain exposure to individuals interested in pursuing a nomadic lifestyle.




Be the Expert

By doing all of the activities mentioned above you will quickly become an expert in the workation and nomadic travel sectors. Since both of these are relatively new travel concepts, it wouldn’t be too difficult to establish yourself as both an authority and expert in them.