Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Your Home Office: 5 Key Things to Consider for your Home Based Travel Agency Office

The Home Based Travel Agent's Home Office and How to Make it work for you!

Working from Home can be a Challenge and a Blessing – Let’s Discuss how to Make it Work for YOU! 


Written By: Andy Ogg, CTIE –


Whether you are an experienced Travel Professional with a successful book of clients or just getting your Travel Business started, there is one thing you’ll most likely need, and that is a home office. There are thousands of ways for you to work from your home and while there is no wrong way to successfully establish your home office, there are most definitely some tools, tricks and tips that one should consider when working from their home. 

After a global pandemic, the “work from home” model exploded with a massive migration of employees and business owners moving from a storefront location to their homes. In that migration, many realized that it is the best thing ever, others may feel differently. However, as a Home Based Travel Agent, the ability to work from home and really anywhere in the world is a powerful and exciting opportunity!

As you consider your home office, whether it’s established or in it’s creation, there are 5 Steps one should follow to ensure that you find success, enjoyment and productivity when working from your home. 



Love Where you Work! 5 Key Things to Consider for your Home Based Travel Agency Office - Andy Ogg, CTIE - Travel Professional NEWS



Obvious isn’t it? You need a space to create your home office and to work from. Some of you reading this may have a fully empty room awaiting it’s purpose. Others may not have a clue as to where to even place a desk in the space you reside. The reality is that every single situation is different, unique and an opportunity! 

From my experiences in over 15 years of working from home, having my own space is mandatory and was considered a “must have” when purchasing our home. I enjoy the quiet and focus a shut door can offer, especially with two homeschooling children nd a third on the way! If you have a similar situation, I suggest investing in your space, making it comfortable, inviting and functional for your goals, growth and business. 

If space is an issue, get creative! Maybe there is a corner that can re-purposed or maybe there is a nook in a lightly trafficked room where you can create your space. Hanging curtains or purchasing partitions could be a great way to make the space, however small it may be, feel like it’s yours. 

In addition to the actual space, consider distractions, noise and access from others. For example, my office is located downstairs and in the front of my home. It’s great for the most part but every single doorbell ring or knock on the door, I am the closest one, which means I typically am on that duty. While it doesn’t bother me everyday, some days it drives me absolutely insane! From Amazon to UPS, some days it feels like it just won’t stop and severs as a constant distraction for my work day. 

Think about this when you are planning your location to ensure your success, privacy and ability to focus on you and your business! 


Love Where you Work! 5 Key Things to Consider for your Home Based Travel Agency Office - Andy Ogg, CTIE - Travel Professional NEWS


The Necessities

After nearly 15 years of working from home in 3 different houses, I have found that each situation is unique. The thought of “one desk fits all” just isn’t applicable when setting up or renovating your home office. Once your location is decided, get some measurements and get to researching the best furniture for that space. If you have a large empty room, invest in your success with a large, yet functional desk that will give you room to grow. If your space is tight, look for a desk that offers space to work, but also offers a flow that will work within your space. 

Necessities, excluding technology which we will cover next, are:

  • Desk
  • Comfortable Chair
  • Storage and Organizational compartments
  • Adequate Lighting (Natural or Electrical)

While starting a business is challenging, both mentally and financially, there are some great ways to achieve your home office neccessities while  not breaking the bank. Look for used items, online and true gems can always be found at local swap meets or garage sales. 


Love Where you Work! 5 Key Things to Consider for your Home Based Travel Agency Office - Andy Ogg, CTIE - Travel Professional NEWS



The most costly investment in your home office, whether new or renovated, will be your technology. The costs of technology equipment is more affordable than ever, especially the tools that you’ll need and utilize most in your home based travel business. 

There are a lot of options in the area of technology but the most cost efficient with the greatest benefits would to purchase a quality laptop computer and set that computer up to also act as a desktop computer when in your home office. This gives you the benefits of a laptop and a desktop computer, all while only having to purchase, update and maintain one computer. To do this successfully, you’ll obviously need the laptop and then an additional screen/monitor, keyboard, mouse and the necessary cables to connect the items. 

There are a lot of extras that can be purchased as your business grows but below is a great place to start:

  • Laptop Computer – Updated with the latest technology
  • External Display (24” or Larger) – To be used at your desk
  • Keyboard and Mouse – To be used when at your desk, I suggest going wireless for the extra movement it provides. 
  • Recommended – External (1 TB or larger) hard drive for back ups and additional storage

Arranging your office in this manner with a laptop serving as a travel-ready laptop and also serving as your desktop is a home run. Not only do you save money in only having to purchase one computer but you also get the best of both worlds. I have personally been running this same setup for over 10 years and would not advise any other way for the budget minded business owner. 


Home Based Travel AgencyAndy Ogg, CTIE - Travel Professional NEWS


Phone and Communication

In today’s time, having an updated smartphone is a must and there is just no argument about it. Not only is today’s smartphone able to complete monumental tasks such as graphic design, video editing, and word processing,  it also allows for you to communicate and interact with your clients easily. As we’ve learned in this article, communication preferences of the Millennial generation and all generations in general have changed and evolved. Most communication can be done through email, in-app messengers, text messages and lastly, phone calls. 

Having an up-to-date smartphone will not only increase your enjoyment of using it but more importantly, it will provide you with a great tool to enjoy the freedom of working from home with flexibility. Most of the tools you will be using in your home based business will be available in both computer and smartphone applications, allowing you total freedom to decide what method you enjoy most. 

Lastly, investing in your smartphone not only enables the above, but also gives you a fantastic tool for marketing your travel business to your clients. Using your smartphone as a camera and video content creation device is just an added bonus!


Travel Agency - Andy Ogg, CTIE - Travel Professional NEWS


The Flow and Getting to Work

Now that the workspace, hardware and technology set-up has been completed, it’s time to get to work! While working from home is different than a traditional workplace environment, with some creative adjustments, scheduling and persistence, your success as a home based Travel Agent can excel. Start your mornings off with a routine, just as you would if you were actually having to leave your home and go to work. Take breaks and enjoy the freedom that working from home can provide. Lunch doesn’t have to be eaten inside of a break room or at your desk so take advantage and eat outside or even take the opportunity to leave your home office for lunch. A break from your office, just like at a traditional job, is always a great way to reset your day and mind. 

As you dive into working from your home, you’ll find overwhelming joys and benefits. Whether it’s the ability to have flexibility in your work day or just the convenience of not having to commute, the benefits are measurable and very appealing. On the contrary, after 15 years of working from home, there are some negatives such as the difficulty of “leaving” work. When your office is in your home, it’s very easy to react to an email right away, however, I highly suggest creating and adhering to “office hours.” Those hours can be flexible but provide you the limitations needed to find a successful home/work life balance when your office is indeed, in your home.

In addition to successfully managing yourself and your business, don’t hesitate to let your friends and family know that when you are working, you’re working. You are not available for errands or to help with projects, this is your time to run your business and that it needs to be respected. In any case, it will take some adjustment for you and your family but as long as their is respect and value in what you are doing in your home based business, it will find it’s place and become the new normal for everyone involved. 


Love Where you Work!


Lastly, I want to congratulate you on your decision to set up and work from a home based office. As mentioned, it’s been 15 years for me and I wouldn’t want it any other way. There are bad days, stressful days and days where I wished I had a remote office but they are overwhelmingly crushed by the good days. Because of the ability to work from home, i’m able to be a very active father and husband and have adjusted my work schedule and hours to further empower that. I’ve been able to enjoy amazing moments with my family during the week that would be impossible if I had to work at a traditional job.