Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Host Agency Profile Review

Review On
Outside Agents
Reviewer's Name
Katina Bradley

(1 Year in the travel industry)

Easy to Work With
Pays Commissions on Time
Commission Levels
Operational Support
Price to Value Relationship


Outside Agents truly is an amazing company to partner with. The support is really there. Before I joined I called to get more information and was quickly connected with Chad, one of the owners. After a lengthy chat (I had lots of questions and wanted distinct reasons why I should choose his company over the others I was looking at) Chad told me to sign up and check it out. With NO fees involved what did I have to lose. Sure there were things I could buy from them. They do have a website you can purchase and you can get E&O though them, but none of those things were required. I loved that I had a choice.

Another thing Chad told me about was how accessible he and his cousin Steve were. As 2 business owners with tons of Independent Contractors under them I was really skeptical of this. I thought, really, how hands on can they be? They have come through, above and beyond, over and over. Not just for me. I see it on a regular basis with other OA-ers too. You see, OA is built on a platform JUST LIKE THIS ONE. It looks so much like this it is crazy. And just like Tom and Joanie answer questions so do Steve and Chad. We also have a very active chat room and forum. With so many agents you can bet any issue you are facing there is someone who has already faced it and is willing to share how. Is OA perfect? Of course not, but what is?

I can also say that OA follows through on their promises. When I had that initial conversation with Chad he talked about some upcoming changes. Things like changing when we were paid, and how often we were paid. Both of these things have happened already, and happened within a few short months of my joining.

One last plug, they truly care about their members, they treat us to great meet and greets, they encourage newbies and oldtimers to keep training, and they don't tolerate any shenanigans. There was an issue once with a member who went a little crazy in the chat room and completely crossed the line. Chad was on the phone with me in minutes explaining that this doesn't happen and that he would take care of it. It was taken care of.

So finally, if you are on the fence, or wondering if you really need a host, I will give you the same advice Chad gave me. Check it out. What have you got to lose?
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