Andy Ogg

About Andy Ogg
Andy Ogg joined the Ogg family business back in 2015. Coming from a long history of sales, marketing and advertising, Andy brought in several new opportunities, operations and ideas to assist in the growth of the family owned business. Today, Andy controls most of the business, sales, assets and planning. When not at his desk in his home office, Andy enjoys being outdoors with his family enjoying the sun. Andy Ogg lives in San DIego, CA with his wife, Angela Ogg and two daughters, Peyton and Lyla.
Starting Your Travel Business
Of course, the best way to get definitive information on starting your home based travel agency is to purchase the book of the same title at This book will enable you to breeze through the start-up process and also evolve a business plan and selecting a host agency. But, there are several steps that you need to take before you can begin. Following is an ...
Partners, With Benefits
One of the ways that you will know you are on the wrong track to finding a quality host agency is if the host you are talking to is selling all of the great travel benefits you will receive by joining their hosting program. Usually pitches like this come from multi-level marketing groups who use travel benefits as the cheese in the trap. The plain fact is that travel benefits are few and ...
Your Host Agency Contract
One of the things necessary to be an independent contractor working through a host travel agency is a valid contract. In the absence of a contract the IRS is sure to determine that you have been misclassified as an I.C. and should have been treated as an employee. Your host contract will spell out the details of your business relationship and will serve as the entire agreement between you ...
How to Pick a Host Agency
Each host agency has their own unique value proposition. One may specialize in working with new agents, another may offer a franchise opportunity selling cruises under a consumer branded franchise arrangement, yet another may only work with highly experienced travel professionals and another may only work with independent agents specializing in the luxury travel market. One thing is for ...
Exactly What is a Host Agency?
Prior to the elimination of airline commissions, travel agents were associated with “appointed” travel agencies who maintained the appointments necessary to process accountable traffic documents such as airline tickets. When the airlines stopped paying travel agent commissions, agents responded by giving up their airline appointments and moving to a home base to operate from. ...
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