Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - February 2025
Dugans Travels - 232x 90 - February 2025

Californians – Take Action Now to Protect Independent Travel Professionals

Californians - Take Action Now to Protect Independent Travel Professionals

In 2018, the California Supreme Court issued a decision that threatens the business model of travel agencies in California that rely on independent contractors (ICs) to sell travel, known as the Dynamexdecision.

Last month, the California Assembly passed legislation (Assembly Bill 5) to “codify” the holding in the Dynamex decision – making it applicable to nearly everyone in every industry – by a vote of 59 to 15. The California Senate will soon vote on the bill, perhaps as early as later this month.

It is critical that this legislation be amended to protect the independent advisor model that has existed in our industry for decades and provides opportunities for thousands of small business owners. As such, ASTA is working with the California Coalition of Travel Organizations, our consortia and host agency partners and others to get as many Californians as possible to call or email their state senators and ask them to amend the bill. Please take two minutes to do so today via our grassroots portal:

Act Now to Voice Your Rights as a Travel Professional