Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Host Agency Profile Review

Review On
Outside Agents
Reviewer's Name
Donna McCord

(1 Year 8 Months in the travel industry)

Easy to Work With
Pays Commissions on Time
Commission Levels
Operational Support
Price to Value Relationship


Outside Agents provides so much support in the form of education that it makes the perfect place to get started as an agent. I have learned a lot in my first year, and I give the credit to OA. The web site is very easy to use. OA even provides us with an excellent (and FREE) business web site that gives an agent instant professional presence on the web. We would all love to have higher commissions, but I have to say that Outside Agents provides an incredible amount of support an education for their split of the commission. I have to be grateful for the opportunities they have made possible for me. I am disabled and must work lying down or in a reclined position. I have been unemployable for years. Thanks to Outside Agents, I now have a career at home!
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