Travel Edge - 728 x 90 - March 2025

Sponsored – Choosing the Right Host: 5 Things to Consider

Choosing the Right Host: 5 Things to Consider - Dave Meihoefer, VP of Sales & Engagement, Travel Planners International

Finding Your Perfect Host Agency: Key Factors to Guide Your Decision

Contributed By: Dave Meihoefer, VP of Sales & Engagement, Travel Planners International

There are many reasons a Travel Advisor/Agency Owner would look to join a host agency. Certainly more than five right? Running a business and in some cases starting a business from scratch can be a daunting task presenting challenge after challenge, roadblock after roadblock and then some. Entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, technology, accounting, client lists, client issues, CRMs, networking and so on and so on and so on! Let’s look at five major things to consider when choosing the right host for you.

Choosing the Right Host: 5 Things to Consider - Dave Meihoefer, VP of Sales & Engagement, Travel Planners International

1. Overall Support

You can tell from the minute you show your genuine interest in joining a host. Are they responsive to your emails? Are they calling you back and/or replying in a timely manner? Is the person on the other end of the phone asking questions or simply telling you about what’s in it for you? As with so many other things in life, first impressions count and first impressions can be a tell tale sign of what’s to come when it comes to gauging what kind of support will be provided.

Be sure you are asking the right questions when it comes to initial education that will be offered, support resources that are in place and what plans are in the future for that. You are running a business and when you have those “I need help” moments, you need a reliable host to count on. Support comes in so many ways, make sure you feel confident with who you are about to partner with.

Choosing the Right Host: 5 Things to Consider - Dave Meihoefer, VP of Sales & Engagement, Travel Planners International

2. Technology

Whether it be a top-notch CRM or various tools and know-how to jump-start your digital marketing strategies, technology continues to pave the way for the future. Yes, we all have our preferred methods of doing business. Heck, some still prefer more manual processes in different aspects of running their show. Those who want to grow and continue to be most efficient will embrace all that’s out there. Those who want to market themselves and their business will jump head first into AI, social media and more.

When looking at different hosts, what are those must haves for you along with other items that may be secondary. The nice thing is that the choice is yours. Which CRM works best for you? Are you all in with technology or simply use it out of need, when convenient for you? Either way, knowing you are about to step foot into the world of a host who is embracing technology and preparing for the future is a must. Take what you will from it but don’t cut yourself short, don’t cut your business short.

Choosing the Right Host: 5 Things to Consider - Dave Meihoefer, VP of Sales & Engagement, Travel Planners International

3. Partnerships

Large majority of the time will be spent away from your Host and focused 100% within your business, selling travel, supporting your team (if you have one), following up with clients and more. Some of this time is when you are dealing with cruise line partners, tour operators, hotels, sales managers from a variety of suppliers and more. Where does your host come into play? Do they have an extensive list of preferred partners? Are they in good standing with these partners and do they truly work in partnership with them?

A good host agency not only has established partnerships but shows a proven track record of working collaboratively with them. There are times when you need that lifeline. There are times when “it” hits the fan and you’ll need your Partner to step in and assist you with a major issue. Be sure whatever Host you choose has these strong bonds. Consider their affiliation with a consortium partner as well. These links can truly help your business thrive and grow to the potential that is waiting for you.

customer support

4. The People

We spoke about support already and the people behind the scenes and out front of the advisor community of the host can make or break your new host relationship. That first person who took your call, were they friendly, eager to speak with you and proactive in their approach to make sure you were taken care of with your inquiry to join? Were there other employees involved in the process to help you feel more comfortable in your start-up?

Try finding some testimonials online or videos from the host website showing who’s who at the host. Not just front line employees but leadership and executives as well. Remember, it’s the people of every company who keep the engine running and lights on. You need to be able to count on them!


5. That “It” Factor

You know that feeling when your stomach churns (good or bad!) and you simply know something is really good or really bad? What is your stomach aka gut telling you when you hung up the phone with that representative of the Host? How do you feel when viewing and scrolling through that Host’s website? From what you already know or hear about a Host Agency, do all signs point to or away from them? It’s a personal choice and journey for us all, many times our gut instinct is right. Think about it when considering a Host, are you feeling “it”?

If you are looking for a Host Agency who thrives when it comes to support, technology, partnerships, people and having an amazing “It” factor, visit or email Dave Meihoefer, Vice President of Sales & Engagement to discuss opportunities ( The choice is yours and we’d love to see if we’re a match.

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